Why join the QuantZombie Complete Investment Analysis Course? (fundamental analysis++ and technical analysis++)

When I was a complete beginner and had dreams of one day being a professional investment analyst or fund manager, I threw myself at many introduction-to-fundamental-analysis or technical-analysis textbooks or classes I could find.
However, I found it overwhelming and frustrating because I was introduced to many concepts – income statements, balance sheets, economic moats, PE or PB ratios – but still came out very unsure on how to use those concepts to make a good investment case - because, different stocks are in different cycles with different stories! Hence, even if the concepts were learned, it takes expertise to know which concepts can be to make a valuation case for different stocks.
Gurus also tended to use classic examples of companies with great economic moats – Coke is a drink that won’t fade away, Adobe is a creative software that is a mainstay, but all of those examples were the "obvious" ones. These companies are already fully valued and easy to spot on hindsight. Few would actually analyze a current idea that the guru thought was undervalued right now.
On hindsight, many of these teachers didn’t even manage a professional fund or had a superior track record. Many of them were not even active in stock-picking. I never even came out of the class with one good investable idea. I remembered one of them even claimed to be a "head of research" in a local brokerage years ago. When I asked current employees of that company, no one has even heard of him.
I remember spending over $500 for one of those courses. The notes were old, photocopied from a textbook written in the 1980s. There was no analysis on current stocks. The better courses went over $1,500. That was a lot of money to me back then, so studying a lot of concepts and not having an actionable idea after was frustrating.
The same applied to gurus teaching technical analysis. Many of them would teach "textbook" technical analysis but wouldn't go into the statistics of when they worked or why they worked. I remember trying out ideas taught. I lost money, I made money; but I never felt confident of why they worked. Today, I realize a great use of technical analysis is when they can confirm a change in the fundamentals affecting a company. In order words, the power of technical analysis is more unlocked with fundamental analysis. Then I realized that Quantitative analysis can sharpen both.
Today, I am crafting a course that I hope to create great value compared to those “throw you lots of introduction concepts at you and leave you on your own” classes. I want to cover some of the introductory concepts of fundamental analysis and/or technical analysis, but instead of just covering chapter by chapter of fundamental analysis, I will start straight away with what I think could be a worthwhile investment opportunity now, and then cover just enough fundamentals for you to understand the story, risks, rewards and ultimately to value the company’s range of intrinsic value.
I'm planning 5 full-day sessions (5 hours each).
The fundamental analysis++ course will be 3 sessions (covering current investment ideas focusing on the income statement first, then the balance sheet, and then the cash flow statement.)
The technical analysis++ course will be 2 sessions (basic and advanced).
Each cycle (of 5 lessons) will go like something like this:
1) I will start like so, “I think stock X could be worth 20% more, here is the sector, the story, the main reasons and what could go right and go wrong.”
2) Then I will cover the fundamentals necessary to make that investment case, from looking at financial statements, the economic cycle, the sector etc.
3) Then I will see what the technicals could be saying about the fundamental thesis playing out, or how the fundamentals are affecting the technicals.
The fundamental section and technical section can be purchased and learned separately.
This way each cycle has a potential actionable investment idea and there is a more direct payoff understanding the fundamental concepts introduced in that cycle to minimize feeling overwhelmed. Because different stocks have different stories and different ways to value them, in each cycle I will choose slightly different stocks so that I get to cover different aspects of fundamentals to value them! In one cycle I might concentrate on cash and debt on the balance sheet, in other cycles I might go straight to a discounted cash flow model.
When you do classes with me, you are receiving instruction from a professional markets and equities analyst turned fund manager with a record of 30% CAGR when I managed professionally from 2016 to 2017 (after which I accumulated enough to do my own projects). You can see my actual professional trading results here, and my major plays between 2016 and 2017 are recorded on my blog. I wrote as i took my positions so you can easily see my track record. I started as a stock market newbie at the “late” age of 31, and by the age of 35 turned professional, so I can still remember the growing pains of learning how to manage risk and even outperforming the indices by stock picking. My promise is to do my best to cut the frustration of your learning journey and to add value to giving a potential investment idea with each cycle.
By the time you finish all 5 sessions,
You should have:
1) deeper insight into 5 potential investment ideas (which might be worth more than the amount you spent investing in yourself in this course)
2) have a broad introduction of fundamental analysis, covering topics like: understanding financial statements, valuation techniques like Discounted Cash Flow and ratios like PE, PB, ROEs, EV/EBITDA, reading management quarterly reports to estimate projections.
3) have a better understanding of the risks and rewards of those various investments.
4) have an introduction to technical analysis, covering topics like price theory, momentum indicators, statistics of popular price patterns. I'll even throw in a back-tested trading strategy to trade Gold. (Courtesy of my days doing Quant work)
4) an introduction to sector rotation, the economic business cycle, and the role of the FED and interest rates on major stock market cycles.
5) an introduction to which stronger economic or financial sentiment warning signs to look for that precedes a bear market,
6) an introduction to useful websites (free and paid) that help you source data quickly.
7) each session is a full afternoon of 5 hours.
8) I'll be including 2 one-on-one private half-an-hour Zoom calls to ask me any questions for each participant. Just message to set an appointment.
My hope is that that gains from just one investment idea will totally more than cover whatever amount you invested in this course.
If you finish all 5 sessions, you qualify for the 6th Ultimate Alpha session.
This Ultimate Alpha session is where I share all the things NOT found in the fundamental analysis++ and technical analysis++ that is the secret sauce to my success. This class is invite-only, and the invitation comes after the completion of the 5 sessions.
This course is for beginners to intermediates that want to become competent investors and stock pickers, or people that are considering doing fund management one day.
This course is not designed to give "easy-to-follow" trading strategies for day trading, neither is it a course that throws the CFA book at you, but for people who want a practical introduction to how some fund managers invest, or people who want to grow in knowledge in the more important basics of fundamental and technical analysis such that they will be able to better steward their retirement funds rather than just buying an index, insurance product, or taking tips or blindly following analyst reports.
This course is for people that want to understand the whys of bull and bear markets, the economic cycle, and how to analyze and spot undervalued stocks that could outperform the broad indices.
If you are interested to join a band of learners in these learning cycles on Zoom, click here to see the complete syllabus, pricing, and how to sign up!
Email your questions: ken@quantzombie.com.
Just use "Interest in QuantZombie Complete Investment Analysis course" in the title, and in the body, your preferred name and preferred e-mail.